Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the quality of life for more than 22million Americans—and more than 80% of sufferers live with it undiagnosed. They wake up each day experiencing symptoms of chronic fatigue, irritability and pain. Over time, lack of restful sleep evolves into more serious health conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes, obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Preventing these conditions starts with addressing obstructive sleep apnea.
While obstructive sleep apnea is traditionally treated with CPAP machines and invasive surgeries, here’s a less invasive alternative for those who can't tolerate the traditional approach to treatment. We use AADSM-approved oral appliances, specially modeled for each unique person, to introduce a minimally-invasive way of improving sleep quality. By offering an innovative alternative to CPAP machines, we can advance the health and wellbeing of individuals coping with sleep apnea.
Our goal is to manage sleep apnea and snoring for those who are CPAP intolerant or other patients deemed to be good candidates for oral appliance therapy. On this website, you will find information to better understand sleep apnea and snoring, along with treatments for these sleep-disrupting problems.
One of these treatments is the use of a custom made oral appliance. Dental management with oral appliances may be the solution you are looking for.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 50-70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. One of the most common sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea. It afflicts at least 25 million adults in the United States. Sleep apnea is a serious disease that can cause you to stop breathing up to hundreds of times per night for anywhere from a few seconds to more than a minute. Untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk for several other health problems, such as high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.Today marks the beginning of Sleep Awareness Week. If you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, or think you or a loved one may be suffering from sleep apnea, follow these simple steps to sleep more soundly:
1301 Bridgeport Way Suite 109 Suffolk VA 23435
Phone: (757) 929-7100
Fax: (757) 929-7097
700 Independence Circle, Suite 3B Virginia Beach VA 23455
Phone: (757) 929-7100
Fax: (757) 929-7097
1464 Mt Pleasant Rd #26, Chesapeake, VA 23322
Phone: (757) 929-7100
Fax: (757) 929-7097
8730 Stony Point Pkwy #240, Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: (804) 729-3474
Fax: (804) 729-3480
Monday Through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday-Sunday: Closed
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