How Dr. Brian Briesemeister Treats Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliances in Chesapeake

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects many people, leading to disrupted sleep and various health problems. If you have sleep apnea, you might experience loud snoring, waking up repeatedly during the night, and feeling overly tired during the day. These symptoms can affect your daily life, making it difficult to focus, work, and enjoy activities. At the Center For Sleep & TMJ in Chesapeake, Virginia, Dr. Brian Briesemeister provides effective solutions for sleep apnea using oral appliances.

Oral appliances are designed to help you breathe better while you sleep by keeping your airway open. Dr. Brian Briesemeister customizes each appliance to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring comfort and effectiveness. This type of treatment is especially useful for people who have mild to moderate sleep apnea or who cannot tolerate other forms of treatment. By using an oral appliance, you can experience less snoring and better sleep, leading to improved overall health.

In the following sections, we will explore how sleep apnea affects your health, how oral appliances work, and the process Dr. Brian Briesemeister follows to create a custom-fitted device for you. We will also address common questions about oral appliance therapy, helping you understand how this treatment can make a difference in your life.

Understanding Sleep Apnea and Its Impact on Health

Sleep apnea is a condition where your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. This happens because the airway becomes blocked or the muscles in the throat relax too much. When breathing stops, it can wake you up, sometimes without you even realizing it. These interruptions can happen many times a night, preventing you from reaching deep, restful sleep.

The impact of sleep apnea on your health can be serious. Poor sleep quality can lead to daytime fatigue, making it hard to concentrate and perform daily tasks. You may feel irritable or have headaches in the morning. Over time, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It can also affect your mental health, leading to mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Recognizing and treating sleep apnea is crucial for maintaining your overall health and well-being.

The Role of Oral Appliances in Managing Sleep Apnea

Oral appliances are an effective way to manage sleep apnea, especially for those with mild to moderate symptoms. These devices are worn in the mouth like a sports mouthguard or orthodontic retainer. They work by repositioning the jaw and tongue to keep the airway open during sleep. This helps to prevent the airway from collapsing and reduces the number of interruptions during the night.

At Center For Sleep & TMJ, Dr. Brian Briesemeister customizes each oral appliance to fit your mouth perfectly. This ensures the device is comfortable and effective. Oral appliances are easy to use and maintain, making them a convenient option for many patients. They are also portable, which means you can take them with you when you travel.

Using an oral appliance can help reduce snoring and improve your sleep quality. With better sleep, you may find that you have more energy, improved mood, and better overall health. Dr. Brian Briesemeister provides personalized care to ensure that your oral appliance meets your specific needs, helping you achieve the best possible results.

Steps Dr. Brian Briesemeister Takes to Customize Your Oral Appliance

When you visit Dr. Brian Briesemeister for a customized oral appliance, the process begins with a comprehensive evaluation. This includes a detailed review of your medical and dental history to understand your specific needs and any underlying conditions that may affect treatment. Dr. Briesemeister then performs a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, and jaw to gather the necessary information for creating your custom appliance.

Next, Dr. Briesemeister takes precise measurements and impressions of your teeth. These impressions are used to create a model of your mouth, ensuring that the oral appliance fits perfectly. The goal is to provide a snug fit that is both effective and comfortable. Once the appliance is ready, you will return for a fitting appointment. Dr. Briesemeister will ensure that the appliance fits correctly and make any necessary adjustments to optimize its performance.

Finally, you will receive instructions on how to use and care for your oral appliance. Dr. Briesemeister will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any needed changes to the appliance. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the best possible care and that your device continues to provide relief from sleep apnea symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Appliance Therapy

1. How Do I Clean My Oral Appliance?

Dr. Brian Briesemeister suggests rinsing your device with lukewarm water and using a mild soap or a special cleaning solution designed for oral appliances. This keeps the appliance hygienic and extends its lifespan.

2. How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Wearing the Appliance?

Most people adapt to wearing their oral appliance within a few nights to a couple of weeks. It's essential to wear it consistently for the adjustment period to go smoothly.

3. Can I Travel with My Oral Appliance?

Yes, oral appliances are portable and easy to transport. You can take them with you on trips, ensuring you maintain your treatment routine no matter where you are.

4. How Often Do I Need Follow-up Appointments?

Dr. Brian Briesemeister recommends regular follow-up visits to ensure the appliance continues to fit well and work effectively. These appointments also allow for any necessary adjustments to be made.

5. Will My Oral Appliance Stop My Snoring?

One of the benefits of oral appliance therapy is the reduction of snoring. By keeping the airway open, the device helps decrease the vibrations in the throat that cause snoring.


Living with sleep apnea doesn't have to be a constant challenge. By seeking treatment with Dr. Brian Briesemeister at Center For Sleep & TMJ, you can find a practical and effective solution through the use of a customized oral appliance. These devices help improve your sleep quality, reduce symptoms like snoring, and enhance your overall health. Dr. Briesemeister's detailed and personalized approach ensures that your appliance fits comfortably and works efficiently to address your specific needs.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea, it's essential to take action. Improved sleep and better health are within your reach. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brian Briesemeister at Center For Sleep & TMJ in Chesapeake, Virginia. Contact our office to start your journey toward restful nights and energetic days. Don't wait to make a positive change in your life; let us help you find the relief you deserve with our dental appliance for sleep apnea.

Phone: (757) 895-7244

Fax: (757) 929-7097


Monday Through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday-Sunday: Closed

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